Breath Center

But still will keep a bower quiet for us, and a sleep full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing.(cit. John Keats)

A specific process for detecting the causes and consequently the treatments in case of dyspnea, i.e. difficulty in breathing, or more simply, to make our breathing more effective.

If we become aware of having dyspnea (difficulty in breathing, modified rhythm or frequency of breathing) which is unusual in our daily life or during the night, a clinical and diagnostic procedure can be resolutive.

Blue medical Center has organized a team of doctors specialized in this sector. With adequate tests it is possible to determine the origin of dyspnea (respiratory or cardiogenic). By means of specialistic evaluations, laboratory and imaging diagnostics, and synergic collaboration among doctors, it is possible to find the correct treatment or to recommend respiratory rehabilitation.

diagnostic procedures:

first stage:

  • lung or ENT specialistic evaluation (with spirometry or rhinoscopy, pharyngoscopy)

second stage:

  • spirometry with flux-volume curve analysis
  • spirometry with bronchodilation test
  • arterial blood gas analysis
  • oximetry
  • polysomnography
  • rhinoscopy
  • chest and pulmonary echography
  • heart echocardiography

third stage:

  • personalized treatment
  • respiratory rehabilitation

During the whole procedure the tests to be done will be recommended according to the results of the first level.